We want you to make the most informed decison.

Take the free Debt Comparion Calculator below to first compare the cost, duration, pros and cons of all get-out-of-debt options.

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What are the most common debt options?

The debt comparison calculator will help you compare the cost, duration and pros and cons to Debt Management, Debt Settlement, and Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.


Debt Management

This is the process of working with a non-profit to negotiate down the interest rates on your credit cards (and sometimes loans). Debt Managment is sometimes helpful if you’re able to make the min. payments but don’t feel like you’re getting anywhere.


Debt Settlement

This is the process of negotiating down the balances on past due unsecured debts. Debt Settlement is sometimes helpful if you’re already past due or have no choice but to fall behind soon. It’s important to compare all options though, as Chapter 7 can sometimes be cheaper and faster.


Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is typically a 3-4 month process where your unsecured debt is being discharged. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is typically a 3 or 5 year process where you can pay some or all of the unsecured debt back.

What are my steps after the calculator?

Whether you’re in the research process or ready to make a decision, we’re here to help.


Request for a free phone evaluation

If you’re hoping to speak with someone about all options and learn more, you can request a free phone call at the end of the calculator.


We’re here when you’re ready

If you’re not ready to talk to anyone, that’s 100% okay. Feel free to select “none of the above” at the end of the calculator. You can call us at 650-380-8621 when you’re ready.

Ready to compare options?

Request a free phone evaluation and someone from Ascend Debt Relief will be calling you to understand your situation. They’ll be able to provide information on most all get-out-of-debt options so you’re able to make the most informed decision.